Calculation examples

...for amortization of Reibregenerator

MRR 1-40

Batch size:  40 kg

Batch time: 5-14 min

4 - 10 batches / h        -->  160 - 400 kg regrind / h

10 working hours / d  -->  1,6 - 4 t regrind / d

250 working days / a  -->  400 - 1.000 t regrind / a


RR 2-85

Batch size:  200 kg

Batch time: 5 - 12 min

5 - 10 batches / h        -->  1 - 2 t regrind / h

10 working hours / d  -->  10 - 20 t regrind / d

250 working days / a  -->  2.500 - 5.000 t regrind / a



Regrind usage:

- Backing sand up to 100 %

- Mould sand up to 50 - 100 %

- Core sand up to 50 - 100 %


All specifications are average values.